Students that have demonstrated that they are exemplary Guild members and leaders have the opportunity to become Regional Student Leaders for your region. RSL’s are the voice of all of the students currently in your region and will play an active leadership role in the region by planning regional events and advising The Board of Directors on student needs.
Students interested in becoming a Regional Student Leader can apply for the following positions with their regional director:
- Chair (President)
- Vice Chair (Vice President) – must be a grade 10 student
- Outreach Manager
- Communications Director
- Encore
- Performance Appreciation/Celebration
- Hospitality
- Tech
- A maximum of 2 students per STAR troupe may run for a RSL position
- Must be in an active STAR Troupe member
- Must be in grade 10 or 11 at the time of their application
- Must attend at least 2 meeting a year as well as their regional festival and a national festival
- Must participate in the leadership training workshop during the Regional STAR Fest, National STAR Festival or a separte training session.
- Your troupe director must agree to actively serve on the TAEA Adult Board in your region.